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Conservation Standards
with CMP and CCNet

Conservation Measures Partnership is a mission-driven organization established to accelerate and amplify the impact of the global conservation community.

Website Development


Conservation Measures Partnership (CMP) help teams overcome obstacles to learning and collaboration by promoting a common framework for the planning and management of conservation projects. The organization empowers practitioners to be more effective and efficient in their efforts to protect the planet. FOS is associated with the Conservation Standards (CS) and the Conservation Coaches Network (CCNet).


The Conservation Standards (CS) are a widely adopted set of principles and practices that bring together common concepts, approaches, and terminology for conservation project design, management, and monitoring; the Conservation Measures Partnership (CMP) is a community of conservation-oriented NGOs, government agencies, funders, and private businesses that work collectively to guide conservation around the world; and the Conservation Coaches Network (CCNet) is a global community of trained professional coaches that use the Conservation Standards to strengthen conservation action and results around the world. All three entities needed a new website, complete with revised key messaging and novel imagery.


Evermaven used our in-house Creative Process to run the team through a full suite of communication strategy and tactics to realize a new and integrated online experience that merged the intrinsic synergy between the Conservation Standards (CS), Conservation Measures Partnership (CMP), and the Conservation Coaches Network (CCNet) interests. We curated and photo edited thousands of images to let the visual storytelling do the work. The existing website infrastructure—that included a multi-layered database—was left intact and enhanced.


Art Direction, Photo Editing, Photo Curation, Website Development

We are a communications agency that specializes in crafting stories about people and planet.

Our environmental stories—rooted in the human condition—are designed to make audiences care. With you, we hope to foster a more sustainable and equitable world, where our collective well-being is at heart.

people + planet + purpose