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Polar Bears on the Edge
with Polar Bears International

For years, Polar Bears International (PBI) have prioritized collaboration with experts in science, technology, and media to inform their work.



Polar Bears International (PBI) works with partners on projects across the Arctic with a focus on polar bear conservation. Their ongoing research inspires action, adds to our understanding of polar bears, and brings hope to people who believe it’s not too late to make a difference.


Travel to the Canadian subarctic and produce stock photography during an embedded expedition with PBI scientists. If possible, capture images of polar bears on sea ice.


Evermaven worked with photojournalist Neil Ever Osborne to produce a photographic portfolio of this spectacular landscape and the polar bears who call it home. As a bonus, our photography was published as a feature cover story by Smithsonian Magazine.





We are a communications agency that specializes in crafting stories about people and planet.

Our environmental stories—rooted in the human condition—are designed to make audiences care. With you, we hope to foster a more sustainable and equitable world, where our collective well-being is at heart.
