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Transporting Audiences
into New Places

We offer breathtaking aerial videography and photography to show the big picture.

Drone Operations

Saving Thirty Hills

with World Wildlife Fund

WWF is setting out on a 60-year challenge to save one of the last great stands of rain forest in the deforestation hotspot that is the Indonesian island of Sumatra.

Protected Areas

with Nature Conservancy of Canada

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) works to protect Canada’s most precious natural places. They empower people to safeguard the lands and waters that sustain life.

Future Oxford

with Oxford County

The Future Oxford Community Sustainability Plan is a policy blueprint used “to improve quality of life for Oxford’s current and future generations.”

We are a communications agency that specializes in crafting stories about people and planet.

Our environmental stories—rooted in the human condition—are designed to make audiences care. With you, we hope to foster a more sustainable and equitable world, where our collective well-being is at heart.
